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Please be sure to show up at least ½ hour before your division starts.


If needed we may combine divisions and ranks.


8:30am – 9:30am: Late registration

10:00am – Black Belt Meeting


10:30am – 12:00pm

Forms, sparring, weapons, breaking

Boys & Girls ages 4-8 years old all ranks

(light head contact)

Breaking: run jump side kick


12:00pm – 2:00pm

Forms, sparring, weapons, breaking

Boys & Girls ages 9-11 years old all ranks

(light head contact)

Breaking: run jump side kick/turning side kick for advanced belts


2:00pm – 3:30pm

Forms, sparring, weapons, breaking

Boys & Girls ages 12-14 years old all ranks

(light head contact)

Breaking: turning side kick/3 board station for advanced belts


3:30pm – 5:00pm

Forms, sparring, weapons, breaking

Boys & Girls ages 15 & up all ranks

(light to moderate head contact)

Breaking: Up to 5 board station



Students will be responsible for their own equipment. We will have some stuff to purchase if needed.

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